Mary Kathryn Baxter
Where will you spend eternity?

A Divine Revelation of Hell (by Mary K. Baxter)

Hear the eyewitness testimony on the True Existence of Hell. Mary Katherine Baxter was chosen by God to let the world know of the REALITY of Hell. Jesus Christ appeared to Mary Baxter on 40 consecutive nights and took Mary on a tour of Hell and Heaven. She walked, with Jesus, through the horrors of Hell and talked with many people. Jesus showed her what happens to souls when they die and what happens to the unbelievers and Servants of God who do not obey there calling. 


Marcus Bach stated that books are often referred to as brain children, and rightly so. Not unlike the children of one’s flesh and blood, these creative siblings, born by choice or chance are destined to have lives of their own. Their experiences in the world compare favorably to those of any other seminal offering. All of the human emotions are theirs. And no doubt their secret fear is that they may someday be permanently shelved and forgotten.

Unlike other books, I believe that the Holy Spirit has brought this writing into being for time and eternity. The experiences and the message are of utmost importance to the body of Christ. I believe that God’s anointing will rest upon this book and minister to every person who reads these contents.


This work is dedicated to the glory of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, Without Whom this book would not be possible.


I recognize that without the supernatural power of the Lord Jesus Christ, this book nor any other which proposes to deal with the afterlife could be written. Jesus alone holds the keys to hell and has paid the price for our entrance to heaven.

I found that writing this book was a long, lonely, demanding experience. In fact, the book has waited several years to be revealed. The revelations from the Lord came to me in 1976. It took eight months to put it on paper. The writing of the manuscript itself covered a period of several years and putting the Scripture references in step-by-step order took another year. Finalizing the book took the best part of the winter of 1982 and the year 1983. In addition, for a period of thirty nights, Jesus took me into hell, followed by ten nights of visits to heaven.

I see now that the Lord was preparing me to write this book when even as a child I had dream about God. After I was born again, I had a very strong love for the lost and wanted to see souls saved.

Later the Lord appeared to me in 1976 and told me that I was chosen for a special assignment, He said, “My child, I will manifest myself to you to bring people out of darkness into light. For the Lord God has chosen you for a purpose; to write and make a record of the things I will show and tell you.

“I am going to reveal unto you the reality of hell, that many may be saved, many will repent of their evil ways before it is too late.

“Your soul will be taken out of your body, by me, the Lord Jesus Christ, and transmitted into hell and other places that I want you to see. I will also show you visions of heaven and other places and give you many revelations.”

To Kathryn from Jesus

For this purpose you were born, to write and tell what I have shown and told you. For these things are faithful and true. Your call is to let the world know there is a hell and that I, Jesus, was sent by God to save them from this torment.

Chapter 1

Into Hell

In March 1976 while I was praying at home, I had a visit from the Lord Jesus Christ. I had been praying in the Spirit for days when all at once I felt the very presence of God. His power and His glory filled the house. A brilliant light illuminated the room where I was praying, and a sweet and wonderful feeling came over me.

Lights flowed in billows, rolling and folding into one another and rolling over and out of each other. It was a spectacular sight! And then the voice of the Lord began to speak to me.

He said, “I am Jesus Christ, your Lord, and I wish to give you a revelation to prepare the saints for My return and to turn many to righteousness. The powers of darkness are real and My judgments are true.

“My child, I will take you into hell by My Spirit, and I will show you many things which I want the world to know. I will appear to you many times; I will take your spirit out of your body and will actually take you into hell.

“I want you to write a book and tell of the visions and of all the things I reveal to you. You and I will walk through hell together. Make a record of these things which were and are and are to come. My words are true, faithful and trustworthy. I Am That I Am, and there is none beside Me.”

“Dear Lord,” I cried out, “What do You want me to do?” My whole being wanted to cry out to Jesus, to acknowledge His presence. The best I can describe it is to say love came over me. It was the most beautiful, peaceful, joyful, powerful love I have ever felt.

God’s praises began to flow from me. All at once I wanted to give Him my whole life to be used by Him, to help save people from their sin. I knew, by His Spirit, that it actually was Jesus the Son of God who was there in the room with me. I cannot find words to express His divine presence. But I know that I know it was the Lord.

“Behold, My child,” Jesus said, “I am going to take you by My Spirit into hell so that you may be able to make a record of the reality of it, to tell the whole earth that hell is real, and to bring the lost out of darkness and into the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

Instantly, my soul was taken out of my body. I went with Jesus up out of my room and into the sky. I knew all that was going on about me. I saw my husband and children asleep in our home below.

It was as though I had died and my body was left behind on the bed while my spirit was going with Jesus up through the top of the house. It seemed as though the whole roof was rolled back, and I could see my family asleep in their beds.

I felt the touch of Jesus as He said, “Fear not. They will be safe.” He knew my thoughts.

I will try to the best of my ability to tell you step-by-step what I saw and felt. Some of the things I did not understand. The Lord Jesus told me the meaning of most of them, but some things He did not tell me.

I knew then, and I know now, that these things were really happening and only God could have shown them to me. Praise His holy name. People, believe me, hell is real. I was taken there by the Spirit many times during the preparation of this report.

Soon we were high into the heavens. I turned and looked at Jesus. He was full of glory and power, and such peace flowed from Him. He took my hand and said, “I love you. Fear not, for I am with you.”

At that, we began to go even higher into the sky, and now I could see the earth below. Protruding out of the earth and scattered about in many places were funnels spinning around to a center point and then turning back again. These moved high above the earth and looked like a giant, dirty type of slinky that moved continuously. They were coming up from all over the earth. “What are these?” I asked the Lord Jesus as we came near to one.

“These are the gateways to hell,” He said. “We will go into hell through one of them.”

Immediately, we entered one of the funnels. Inside, it looked like a tunnel, spinning around and around and back again like a top.

A deep darkness descended on us, and with the darkness came a smell so horrible it took my breath away. Along the sides of this tunnel were living forms embedded in the walls. Dark gray in color, the forms moved and cried out to us as we passed. I knew without being told that they were evil.

The forms could move but were still attached to the walls. A horrible smell came from them, and they screeched at us with the most awful cries. I felt an invisible, evil force moving inside the tunnels.

At times in the darkness, I could make out the forms. A dirty fog covered most of them. “Lord, what are these?” I asked as I held on tightly to Jesus’ hand.

He said, “These are evil spirits ready to be spewed out on the earth when Satan gives the orders. “

As we were going down inside the tunnel, the evil forms laughed and called out to us. They tried to touch us, but could not because of the power of Jesus. The very air was polluted and dirty, and only the presence of Jesus kept me from screaming at the sheer horror.

Oh, yes, I had all my senses-I could hear, smell, see, feel and even taste the evil in this place. If anything, my senses had become more sensitive, and the odor and filth almost made me sick.

Screams filled the air as we came near the base of the tunnel. Piercing cries came up the dark tunnel to meet us. Sounds of all sorts filled the air. I could feel fear, death and sin all around me.

The worst odor I have ever smelled filled the air. It was the smell of decaying flesh, and it seemed to be coming from every direction. Never on earth had I felt such evil or heard such cries of despair. Soon I would find that these were the cries of the dead and that hell was filled with their wails.

I felt a gust of evil wind and a small suction force ahead of us. Lights like lightening or strobe flashes penetrated the black darkness and threw gray shadows on the walls. I could barely make out the form of something in front of me. I recoiled in shock when I realized that it was a large snake moving along ahead of us. As I continued to look, I saw those ugly snakes were slithering about everywhere.

Jesus said to me, “We will soon enter the left leg of hell. Ahead you will see great sorrow, pathetic sadness and indescribable horror. Stay close to Me, and I will give you strength and protection as we go through hell.

“The things you are about to see are a warning,” He said. “The book you write will save many souls from hell. What you are seeing is real. Fear not, for I will be with you.”

At long last, the Lord Jesus and I were at the bottom of the tunnel. We stepped out into hell. I will try to the best of my ability to tell you what I saw, and I will tell it in the order God gave it to me.

Ahead of us, as far as I could see, were flying objects darting here and there. Groaning sounds and pitiful cries filled the air. Up ahead I saw a dim light, and we began walking toward it. The path was a dry, powdery dirt. We were soon at the entrance to a small dark tunnel.

Some things I cannot put on paper; they were too awful to describe. The fear in hell could be tasted, and I knew if I had not been with Jesus I would not make it back. In the writing of this, some of the things I saw I do not understand, but the

Lord knows all things, and He helped me understand most of what I saw.

Let me warn you-don’t go to that place. It is a horrid place of torments, excruciating pain and eternal sorrow. Your soul will always be alive. The soul lives forever. It is the real you, and your soul will go to either heaven or hell.

To those of you who think that hell is here on earth-well, you are right-it is! Hell is in the center of the earth, and there are souls in torment there night and day. There are no parties in hell. No love. No compassion. No rest. Only a place of sorrow beyond your belief.

5 thoughts on “A Divine Revelation of Hell (by Mary K. Baxter)

  1. Thanks ma for this revelation,am evangelist alade richard from nigeria i want god to use me also to globally to win soul for him.i saw jesus telling me to evangelise how can you help me as a mentor.thanks ma.

  2. Today is my first day of coming across this message.
    This post, is it not contradicting what the bible says? I could remember bible says The Dead Will Get Up at the Rapture, or One of the Resurrections
    When a person dies, he goes to Sheol (the grave; the state of death), and returns to dust. Therefore, the Bible rightly directs our attention to the Rapture or resurrection, which is when people will be raised to life.
    Please how can you explain further for me?

  3. I am bro IFEANYICHUKWU BONIFACE from Imo State,Nigeria in fact my soul is revive by this your testimony and I want to be part of Jesus witness what I need now is your prayer that God will me to witness for Him.

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