Alexey Astakhov
The 23rd Church Anniversary

Financial well-being and how to survive crisis (seminar)

The 1st day of the 23rd Anniversary of the “Embassy of the Blessed Kingdom of God for All Nations”church continues. Now is the time for seminars. In three different halls, successful coaches share their knowledge and experience. Participants of the celebration have a choice from:

  1. Pastor Alexei Astakhov from Moscow with the theme: “Financial well-being. Preservation and multiplication of money; how to survive crisis. “
  2. Pastor Natalia Nakonechnaya with the theme “How to make a video from the books of the University of Life”
  3. Pastor Victoria Melnik with the theme “University of Life”

Financial welfare. Preservation and multiplication of money. How to survive crisis?

Alexey Astakhov is the author of a number of books on getting out of debt, a motivator and business coach, and a pastor of a church in the city of Moscow.

Pastor Alexey started his seminar with these questions to the audience: “Who among you manages his money? Whom among you is being governed by his money? “And the most common answer to such questions is:” What is there to manage when there is no money anyway.”

“Managing your life is about making decisions and implementing them,” says Pastor Alexey. “In finances, you also need to make decisions about money and stick to them. The pastor made the example of his acquaintance, who started managing his money by putting them into three banks, each with different purposes (one of them is for tithe, etc.).

When I make a decision and start to manage what I have – I get the opportunity and the ability to manage bigger resources. Make the decision to manage your finances not tomorrow, but right now.

The following questions of Pastor Alexey to the audience are: Who of you is satisfied with his financial well-being? Who is not satisfied? And who is to blame for it?

The result we will get tomorrow depends on our decisions today. This theme is especially well treated in the book of Pastor Sunday Adelaja “Life is predictable.” Laws work not only in finance, but in all spheres of life. It does not depend on whether we abide by them or not, the laws still work – only the results of your responses to the law differ. Our life depends on this.

5 laws of money that work:


Malachi 3:10: ” Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. “

The windows of heaven are possibilities. When we bring tithes to the church, we receive opportunities from God. And we must expect them. Knowing and expecting are different things. Expect that God will send you opportunities through new people, through sermons, in different ways.

Pay yourself

When I pay for an apartment, shop in the store, pay for the kindergarten and other things – I pay the owners of these establishments. But what do I pay myself? Nothing. The book of Pastor Sunday Adelaja “From Debts to Financial Freedom” explains this topic in detail. In order for us to have the money to invest when the opportunity arises, we must possess and accumulate them. Therefore, make the decision to, after tithing, to save money for future investments. Decide what percentage 5%, or 10% of your income or as much as you wish will go to this goal.

Insurance fund

You should not depend on a pension. The most precious thing that we have is our life. Should we trust our government with it? Currently, it is openly stated that the government will not pay the pension in the near future. It is time to take responsibility for your own life. More details on this can be found in the books of the following authors: Robert Kiyosaki, Bodo Schaefer, Sunday Adelaja (“Money will not make you rich”).

Determine for yourself the amount (1%, 2% or any other) that you will save each month in your insurance fund.

Honor your parents with finances

In Ukraine, the life expectancy of the population is low, and less than in countries such as Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Syria, etc. The fact is that in the eastern countries, there is an important culture of honor of parents. Correspondingly, they live longer there and have better health. Make a decision to honor your parents with money, and make purchases for them. You will see, your health and opportunities improve.


Continually study, invest money into your education. During the seminar, many present shared about their experiences in financial matters, with lessons from their defeats and victories.

Pastor Alexey Astakhov continued the topic of finance with some valuable advice.

If, through financial principles, you are not able to implement managing money in your life, find a person has implemented them and learn from him.

Do not look for a “good place,” because in one sphere, some earn a lot, and others do not. It all depends on how a person works. To get a good result, take responsibility for yourself. The money of those who are idle will be taken from them and given to those who work. The parable of talents is an example of this.

Financial well-being is when my way of life allows me to fulfill my calling.

When you have a crisis…

When you experience crisis, like bankruptcy, it is a time to reflect, to seek an answer to the question of why this happened, and to identify your error.

Eccl. 7:14: ” When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider this: God has made the one as well as the other. Therefore, no one can discover anything about their future.”

What to think about during a crisis: make an analysis of any errors; Think about how to move on; gather information and study it.

An important recommendation from pastor A. Astakhov for times of crisis: to study the first leadership school of Pastor Sunday Adelaja “History Makers” (2009) and create your own product. In any case, do not engage in self-pity, and do not focus on your problems. Instead, focus on the problems of other people and help them solve these problems, with the help of your experience and knowledge. Create in this way your product, your brand. A useful book on this topic is “How to sell yourself” Joe Girard (this is an American car dealer who is recognized by the Guinness Book of Records as the world’s most successful salesman).

Also, the pastor paid special attention to the following. If it’s hard for you to keep up with very “high-flying” people, find those examples that are closer and more accessible to you and work really well and align yourself with them, learn from them. It is by this method P. Alexey began to conduct online broadcasts on the books of the “University of Life”, he studied how to be effective on social networks, and he now teaches it to others.

In conclusion, Pastor Alexey admonished all the congregants not to just receive his teaching and keep it in their thoughts only as a revelation, but to make a decision to act!

You can see the full version of this seminar on the youtube channel of the Embassy of God Church.

May God help you to your breakthrough!

From the 23rd Anniversary of the Embassy of God
March 30, 2017, Kiev
Press Center of the Embassy of God Church

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