The Head of the Department of Culture and the Mediaof the Charitable fund “Revival of children in Ukraine” Foundation, the chief organizer of the vocal project for emerging artists “Time of changes”, singer and presenter, winner of the online voting 5th week of the project X-Factor 2011 Yulia Barteneva told us about the state of […]
Month: June 2013
There is a price for everything in life. You cannot live at someone else’s expense getting ‘free rides’. Let us see why we must not desire free, costless blessings and gifts using the example of the father of faith Abraham. Genesis 23:7-18: “…And Abraham listened to Ephron; and Abraham weighed out the silver for Ephron […]
Blessings Follow Humility by Bishop Anatoliy Bilonozhko
“Humility and the fear of the LORD bring wealth and honor and life.” (Pr.22:4) Bishop Anatoliy Belonozhko started his preaching explaining why he chose to name the sermon “Blessings follow after humility”. He has just returned from a trip to Chervonograd, where a daughter church celebrated its fifth anniversary. Bishop Anatoliy stayed in a flat […]